Ikea bags are fantastic.
Lugging my new Breville bread maker home on the bus from Woden to the Inner North of Canberra.
It is possible to be car free/lite. It just takes a little bit of planning.
Side note, Jeremy Hanson of the Canberran Liberals was in JB HiFi with his family also purchasing a Breville machine. I aasume he didn't catch the bus though.
@CurbsideShip116 just not on sundays
@luciedigitalni well, weekends at all really unless you live on a rapid or LR line like I do.
Yes, absolutely we should have more frequent PT. But my post was more about purchasing bulky stuff without a car.
@CurbsideShip116 yes, that was clear. my point is that Canberra's public transport on Sundays is so bad as to be effectively non-existent, for the majority of people that don't live within a few hundred metres of a mainline route
@luciedigitalni yes, I'm well aware
For what ever reason, weekend services have been like that for quite a while. It was like that when I was in highschool living in Chisholm. I'm in my 30's. That's how long it's been like this.
We really should have moved into more frequent services.
When I was younger living in Chisholm, I found it to really restrict my movement, because I didn't drive. Public transport means independence for me.