#SCOTUS says #ban on #homeless camping does not violate #Constitution
#SupremeCourt on Fri rejected a challenge to #AntiCamping #laws allowing cities to #BanHomelessPeople from sleeping in #PublicSpace — a decision that will significantly impact how local officials address the nation’s #homeless.
#law #TheCrueltyIsThePoint #HumanRights
In a 6-3 ruling, the court said #homelessness is not a status protected by the #EighthAmendment’s prohibition on #CruelAndUnusual punishment, even when a community offers #NoAccess to indoor #shelter for #HomelessPeople.
So much for love thy neighbor
Writing for the majority, Justice Neil #Gorsuch said the problem of #homelessness is complex, but the #EighthAmendment “does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people & in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy.”
The decision returns the case to the lower courts, & it is not clear whether Grants Pass, OR will be able to enforce its #laws against #homeless individuals.
@Nonilex In a sane world, the fourth amendment would rule: "The right of the people to be secure in their ... houses ..., against unreasonable ... seizures" should apply also if what is 'seized' is the 'house' itself, even if only a tent.
@Nonilex So, that "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" thing is now more of a joke, right?