April 2023 Newsletter is out!
-Potluck is this Saturday!
-Seattle Comp Plan planning, this Thursday.
Also get involved:
Raise The Wage Renton
Shut Down KC Jail - NOW!
Fight for Tenant Rights
Learn about Cruise Ship Harms
Get a Public Bank
Join TRU & more:
#Seattle #KingCounty #Housing #Climate #Transit #Community #TenantRights
Seattle Social Housing Won!
Reminder: The Green New Deal Board is accepting nominations for Seattle's Social Housing PDA Green Development Seat. The seat is reserved for someone with experience / expertise in green development.
Submit your letter of interest by April 14th here:
We are hosting an upcoming organizing session focused on media strategy and communications this Thursday, April 13th at 7 pm. Email info@sharethecities.org for more info, or check our discord group!
There's also great work happening around the comp plan from Tech 4 Housing. They have a meetup on April 18 from 6-7:30 pm. Contact@tech4housing.org to connect to them.
There's a lot going on.
Join Share The Cities Organizing Collective in Discord. It is where we mobilize for change, discuss upcoming elections and more.
Follow these links and take action:
Raise The Wage Renton
Shut Down KC Jail
Fight for Tenant Rights in Seattle
Cruise Ship Invasion
Washingtonians For Public Banking
Join TRU