One of us who works at the tech desk may have eaten five pieces of pizza last night — without any awareness of the total calories. It might have been a good opportunity to use Cal AI, an app where users can upload a photo of their meal and receive a calorie count that has a purported 90% accuracy. Cal AI isn’t the first digital calorie counter, but it has a 4.8-star rating on the Apple App Store and over 1 million downloads on Google Play. @Techcrunch has more on this app developed by a pair of teenagers.
@TechDesk @Techcrunch
Calories don't really matter, its carbs that matter more than anything. Keep carb consumption below about 50 and there won't be any problems
@TechDesk @Techcrunch I just want to know if it is hotdog or not.
@TechDesk @Techcrunch Another AI fueled cash grab. I was 260 pounds 10 years ago. I started with weight watchers by targeting and reducing my worst eating habits every week. I saw my doctor last week and weighed in at 175 pounds. Sometimes I creep back up and I just tighten up a bit until I get back to my target weight. The journey never ends, but isn't horrible if you make small changes and keep trying.
My first reduction? I stopped super-sizing fries at the drive through. You can do it too!