We need serious #ForestryReform in #BritishColumbia immediately. We need to implement the science-based recommendations from experts who were commissioned multiple times by #BCNDP #BCgovernment to produce #OldGrowth Strategic Reviews (twice during Horgan's regime). They promised to implement the recommendations but they have not done so. Our old growth forests aren't numerous anymore & yet our #capitalist driven, #neoliberal government is still allowing them to be cut. In a severe #ClimateCrisis - we're stuck with political leaders who are still siding with ecocidal corporations. We need to ban corporate lobbyists. They never have citizens' best interests at heart & our politicians are too easily bribed.
@s_unter I want to believe.(in good)
Although i see the EU falling apart right now. And what kind of values "the EU" politicians "uphold" we can see sadly every day everywhere. #FrontexKills #climateInaction #Meloni #Orban #erodingSchengen ...
And every country in the EU has it's own problem with right wing movements... #fckAFD #Sicherheitspaket ...
Yes, we need to uphold our personal(!) values. Giving up is no option.
It's all just really tiring/exhausting.
Project 2025 promises billions of tonnes more carbon pollution – study.
Mmm. I get the impression from this and other articles that Project 2025 isn’t such a great thing for folk outside USA.
‘Drill, baby, drill’ may as well say ‘kill, baby, kill’.
#European court rules Human Rights violated by #ClimateInaction - #BBC News -
A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the #EuropeanCourtOfHumanrRghts
The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of #heatwaves linked to #ClimateChange.
The court said #Switzerland's efforts to meet its #EmissionReduction targets had been woefully inadequate.
"The ruling is binding and can trickle down to influence the law in 46 countries in #Europe including #UK
BBC News - #Europeancourt rules #humanrights violated by #climateinaction
"Climate activists seek breakthrough human rights court ruling against European states"
via @Luigiprosperi (Bluesky)
I was diving through old blog essays in search of something that I guess wasn't there. But along the way, I ran into a writing of mine I called Plutocratic Denial, that's maybe worth a visit by some who, like me, are frustrated by our society's inaction on Climate Change.
It's a variation on Martin Niemöller (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Niem%C3%B6ller)'s post-WWII poem "First they came..." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...).*
#climate #ClimateDenial #ClimateInaction #collapse #extinction #poem
* And how very sad that this poem of his is ALSO newly relevant. What a lousy job we're doing of paying attention.
Is the US going to approve the single biggest fossil-fuel expansion on earth? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/19/fossil-fuel-expansion-us-biden?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
‘Leader of the free world’?
We shall see. Meantime, my expectations are low and I’m not holding my breath.
#climateinaction in a #ClimateCrisis but hey, let’s keep gas cheap on the forecourt, consumerism buoyant and cars enormous. If it’s good enough for Uncle Sam, it must be good for everyone else, right? Right?
Cop28 has finally named fossil fuels as the climate problem. But do leaders have the will to act? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/17/cop28-has-singled-out-fossil-fuels-as-the-climate-problem-but-do-leaders-have-the-will-to-act?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Yawn. Yet another recap article with the big question laying dormant. The only bit of this which tickles leader’s ‘will to act’ is the question in the title.
Everyone knows where we are and what happened at COP28. We now care about the prospects for ‘what next’. Weak (non-existent) analysis from Adam Morton serves us poorly.
“Industry representatives were present in record numbers in Dubai – 2,456 delegates from the oil and gas sector, 475 from the carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry, more than 100 from agribusiness and many more from elsewhere. Many will leave Dubai happy. The final text made no mention of the role of beef companies in the climate crisis, supported CCS and a debate on regulating the carbon trading market was scuppered for now.” The Guardian.
Goddamn the #climateinaction #lobbyists
Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s grand plan to ‘hook’ poor countries on oil https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/27/revealed-saudi-arabia-plan-poor-countries-oil?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Plenty of colour being added to the COP28 negotiating palette. Strikes me that there is unlikely to be any substantial progress (again).
Flood protection plans for English homes cut by 40% https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/15/flooding-defence-protection-england-properties-cut-nao?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Walking back on climate action on all fronts. The perfect way to protect your citizens. Responsible government in action. Well done Tory party. Slow claps all round.
Oil and gas ‘not the problem’ for climate, says UK’s net zero minister https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/oil-and-gas-not-the-problem-for-climate-says-uks-net-zero-minister?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
I’m loving the typo on Stuart’s photo, “Neet Zero Minister”.
There’s nothing Neet about that idiot’s irreconcilable logic bomb. Dumbfudgery of the highest order from yet another here-today-gone-tomorrow junior minister. They offer them up like mice to a python. Somebody teach him about carbon budgets, ffs.
Deep divisions ahead of crucial UN climate talks https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-67271688
Yeah, deep divisions between the killers and their victims.
The killers don’t care. Maybe decisions should be taken out of their hands. But turkeys don’t vote for thanksgiving.
When the post Anthropocene emerges and new life evolves I wonder how ‘Capitalism’ will be captured in the fossil record as the cause of the mass extinction?
Rishi Sunak to ‘double down’ on anti-green policies in king’s speech https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/oct/28/rishi-sunak-to-double-down-on-anti-green-policies-in-kings-speech?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Rishi Sunak to ‘double down’ on anti-green policies in king’s speech.
Long term decisions my arse.
He is completely deranged if he thinks we’ll fall for that crock of
#GTTONow , for your children’s sakes.
The #sevenbinssunak of #climateinaction
I really dont know what to say about these two articles.
Almost certainly the most important, most frightening,and most depressing articles I have ever read - even considering (but not diminishing) the terrible stories of human depravity, aggression and suffering that leap from the headlines at this time.
#ClimateCrisis #AusPol #ClimateInaction #Environment #Antarctic
Politicians, not public, drive U-turns on green agenda, says UN biodiversity chief https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/11/politicians-not-public-driving-green-uturns-says-un-biodiversity-chief-david-cooper?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Next time your MP claims they won’t support x or y because their constituents don’t (by which they mean the local association membership), shove a copy of government’s own data in their face & rub it in.
Many other surveys out there on a wider range of public environmental & climate attitudes.
More than 70 fires are burning across NSW, following #climate inaction.
End to fossil fuel expansion in Australia.
#NSW #bushfires #logging #ClimateInAction ClimateLaggard #FossilFuels
those least responsible will bear the greatest costs. Harrison Ford at the Global Climate Action Summit