I asked the #6yo if she'd prefer to sleep at home, or at grandma's tonight. She said that bedtime is easier at grandma's, so she'd prefer that.
I asked her *why* bedtime is easier at grandma's; she explained that brushing is easier. I asked why brushing is easier. She giggled and gave me a bashful look and said, "because I *let* her brush me."
So the huge hassle she gives her parents every night as we struggle to brush her teeth? Completely on purpose.
@Andres4NY Patty insists that the fact the 7yo's second favorite pastime is trolling is my fault for trolling him first.
Meanwhile, she's the one feeding him recommendations on HOW to troll me
@Andres4NY So she shopped around, fell in love with grandma's brushing service, and has been encouraging you to improve...
@__icoder__ Dad's Brushing Service has been operating in the red since inception. I'd be perfectly happy to let the business fold..
@Andres4NY My son is 4.75YO and his pediatric dentist told us that kids typically needs some help with brushing until ~8YO. Thus far, I've been providing some supplementary brushing service after his own practice, and counting down each day...