Updated my resume for the first time in like 15 years, and it's funny how much tech I could safely remove. Yeah, I'm fluent in cvs and svn and git.. *deletes first two*
important to keep SourceSafe
@kingrat It's even worse than that. Look at this, just look (from my old resume).
@kingrat Yeah, I know how to use Tom "bay area anti-housing crank" Lord's Arch.
i am glad i have never encountered either except via social media
@kingrat @Andres4NY am I weird that I just leave it all on? Like I don't really want to work on a team that's still using $OldAndUncommon but if the right job came along and that was part of the job it'd be fine. That section of the resume is getting long but I just shorten the older jobs more and more.
i worry that such things make it seem that i am one of those old programmers that is only good for old tech. 40 years of old tech can bury the lede, so to speak.
@kingrat @r343l Yeah. I really wanted to make it all fit onto one page, which I did by dropping a lot of stuff. But also, I'd rather be working on new stuff (Rust!) as opposed to maintaining crusty old code in some old repository. Unless it's like for some awesome reason (working on upgrading subway/train code running crusty C89 to something more recent? Yes please.)