I believe how a place sees bikes + cars speaks volumes about how it sees its people. Before finding my way to the #netherlands I thought about beautiful #NewZealand with its "green" leaders. And then I visited. I tried to bike there. It was not pretty.
Volgens mij, hoe een plaats #fiets ziet, spreekt boekdelen over hoe het zijn mensen ziet.
Voordat ik naar #Nederland kwam, dacht ik aan het mooie NZ. Ik heb geprobeerd daar te fietsen. Het was niet mooi.
@CathyTuttle That's disappointing...
@CathyTuttle I met two people from New Zealand in my Dutch classes and asked each of them if cycling was popular in their mooi Lord of the Rings land (praten over hobby’s). They looked at me like I was crazy. Hard nee for me as well to the question of “Could I live there?”