Forgot this from the other day. Who else is still doing outdoor dining in late Nov (Wed 11/23) ?
I'm still annoyed NY City Council's outdoor dining bill wants to require shutting it down after Nov 1.
We weren't the only ones #OutdoorDining. Also the sidewalks were PACKED on the Wed before Thanksgiving. So much (barely visible) wasted roadway space in the background, so little sidewalk space.
@Andres4NY wait really? They want to shut down all outdoor dining in NYC after Nov 1?
@Andres4NY @GordonOfSeattle no one does anything* outside in fall and winter!
* better shut down everything outside in fall and winter because no one does anything then
@Andres4NY yesterday we asked to eat outside at the Peruvian seafood restaurant on 3rd Ave in BK. At first they were a bit grumpy about having to set up, but we won them over. It was great food too.