Announced earlier today:
Good news to see traffic calming including speed cushions is being installed starting this weekend on 15th Ave S for the next few weeks. There’s a lot of driver speeding on the road, so it’s needed.
Awesome surprise news that speed cushions are also going to be installed on 14th Ave S at the end of July!
Project page:
@seabikeblog #SEAbikes #BikeTooter #BeaconHill #Seattle #VisionZero
@seabikeblog /2 Update after I checked it out this afternoon:
More markings were added on 15th Ave S, nothing yet on 14th Ave (still weeks away):
-speed cushions will be installed this weekend
-curb bulbs will be added to daylight intersections (city law requires parked vehicles to be 30 ft from corner)
-map of installations
@seabikeblog @bobco85 how Can i find out what’s in store for Renton Ave S? They sketched out bulbs At Fletcher street
@jpv206 @seabikeblog hmm, I tried looking around the Seattle city site but couldn’t find any project information. You could try emailing the following addresses: (deals with the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program) (general info about Seattle projects)