When we move to Bray, I’m thinking of starting up Small Web¹ meetups given Kitten² is maturing nicely and Domain³ should be operational within a couple of months.
So, to get a quick feel…
¹ https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/
² https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
³ https://codeberg.org/domain/app
@aral Trying to understand the p2p chat example… So each user would need to run their own server to communicate? Can you give a concrete example of where this would be more practical than more typical many clients one host scenario? Is it tied to the planned Domain project?
@dx Yep. So once Domain is ready. e.g.,
1. You go to small-web.org
2. Ah dx.small-web.org is available
3. Enter credit card for €10/month
In ~30 seconds you’re up and running at your own domain with your own Small Web place where you can be public or communicate with other Small Web places privately ala that chat example.
(Or you go to some other domain host or, say, stat.gent – City of Ghent – and enter the code you recieved as a citizen and get your place, etc.)