Balk: Car ownership keeps dropping in Seattle
@seabikeblog I always wonder if those figures about "1 in 3 can't drive" are including people under the legal driving age.
@spacehobo The linked story talks more about it: But yeah, kids are people.
@seabikeblog FYI the RSS link on is broken
@bajabanjo Hmm, seems to be working for me. What reader are you using?
@seabikeblog I'm using QuiteRSS. I also checked it against a couple online validators to see if it was a problem on my end, it didn't work with either or
@bajabanjo The online validators don't work due to my web server's bot protection. I’ll look into why it doesn't work on QuiteRSS. What error do you get, and what operating system? It's probably being blocked by Cloudflare's bot protection, so I'll look into seeing if I can create an exception.
@seabikeblog ah that makes sense, cloudflare is a scourge. This is what I'm seeing on my app (on Ubuntu). Don't bother troubleshooting on my behalf, it seems like you post the same stuff on mastodon anyway. I was just shooting you a heads up. You might consider turning off any bot protection stuff on the RSS feed anyway, RSS is meant to be read by bots. Might be breaking search engines, archivers and other indexers too. Cheers.
@bajabanjo Can you try now?
@bajabanjo Great! Thanks for your help. Let me know if it stops in the future. I love RSS and thought I had fixed this previously, but I think it was only allowing Cloudflare's “verified bots" or whatever. I know Cloudflare is problematic, but I don't have the expertise or money to handle all the BS that comes with running a site with strong Google Karma like SBB has. The amount of bot traffic is overwhelming. I'm open to alternatives if you know any.
@seabikeblog hehe I get it. Hating cloudflare is a personal hobby of mine, I understand why people use them. I generally get by just doing sensible rate limiting on load balancers and running some scripts to find/block bad actors. I haven't used them personally, but maybe take a look at That's what @pluralistic uses on his blog, and supposedly supports them as well, which are pretty strong votes of confidence of good Internet citizenry in my book.
@bajabanjo Following up on this to give you an idea of how bot traffic treats a site like SBB, check out what happened to my server cpu use after allowing feed requests to skip the bot protection. lol. I'm gonna see if I can narrow the exemption a bit to get use down. I allowed all traffic to URIs with "feed" in them somewhere, & the bots are working hard now to find them all. It's hard being a mediocre web admin in 2025! Bots are out of control, likely thanks to AI bullshit.
@bajabanjo I'm just trying to keep a single Wordpress site about bicycling running on 4 CPU cores and 8GB of ram, which SHOULD be plenty. I’ve been doing this since 2010, learning what I need as I go. The bot traffic problem has gotten ridiculous, which is a tragedy for legit bot authors because web admins are all but forced to block them unless they want to make bot management a part of their daily work (which I do not).