Il #trasportoPubblico non è solo Europa e Asia. L'esempio di #Bogotà
Dopo aver sviluppato il sistema di #BusRapidTransit #BRT (#TransMilenio) più grande al mondo, la città sta costruendo 2 linee metro di superficie. Inoltre è dotata di una cabinovia urbana #TransMiCable per raggiungere una zona altrimenti esclusa.
A completare il quadro ci sono ben 370 km di #ciclabili!
Mi piacerebbe sentire l'esperienza di qualcuno che ci è stato!
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is launching a new course about Bus Rapid Transit.
Check it out below along with a great infographic about the basic of BRT!
#Urbanism #PublicTransit #BRT #UrbanPlanning
The Global South offers innovative transport solutions that the Global North can learn from.
via Xitter @GlobalLF
A glimpse of what’s possible when cities prioritize moving people over moving cars. But it takes more than huge buses and electrification to address transport injustice.
Xitter @ITCUA
Sistema Integrado de Transporte Masivo #busrapidtransit #BRT #Medellín
Check out our video about Montgomery County, Maryland's planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Network, called Flash
️. Significant infrastructure improvements are attached to each project, transforming high-density areas into safer, walkable and bikeable communities.
To learn more, visit the Flash Website
#montgomerycountymd #transitTooter #futuretransportation #newtransportationoptions #Transit #BRT #northbethesdamd #rockvillemd
*Please Boost*
Madison has an opportunity for the right urban planner or transportation professional passionate about Transit, Cycling, and Complete Streets.
With the retirement of the fabulous Tom Lynch, the city is looking for a new Director of Transportation.
Century-old streetcar tracks exposed in Denver should reminds us: transitioning to car-centric urban planning was a mistake that the global South can avoid.
via xitter @kevinjbeaty
HT @GuyNamedBrian
“Denver’s most known commercial corridors — Tennyson Street, South Pearl, South Broadway, Colfax and more — are destinations today because of that urban planning effort 100 years ago.
So there’s a little irony here …that the old rail has been exposed by an effort to improve transit in the city.”
#Transit #BusRapidTransit #BRT #Streetcars #Denver #Colorado #UrbanPlanning #Cities #UrbanHistory #History
The FlashLights contest ends on Monday, January 6, 2025!
Riders are encouraged to post pictures of the FlashLights buses
on their Bluesky, Facebook, Threads, Instagram & X account and tag @MCDOTNow for a chance to win a $25 gift card.
#ridetheflash #montgomerycountymd #BRT #SilverSpringMD #flashcontest #mdcommuters #commuters #transit #transitTooter
CDOT is going to spend $300M on Federal #BRT in #Denver, not on the bus but on widening the road so that drivers dont lose a lane. then for two miles they're just leaving the bus stuck in traffic bc they can't widen the road. so all this money being spent and no improved transit. then they'll be upset that no one is riding the very expensive bus that's stuck in traffic. weaponized incompetence.
Flash Friday
️Veirs Mill Flash BRT is next- construction starts in 2025. Get ready to easily go from Downtown Wheaton to Montgomery College's Rockville campus with service to the Twinbrook Library
, grocery stores
, restaurants
, & more.
️Flash BRT will transform travel.
️Project details can be found here
#futuretransportation #transit #BRT #rockvillemd #wheatonmd #montgomerycountymd #montgomerycollegemd #buses
Flash Friday
With FLASH Bus Rapid Transit enjoy: Level boarding
Free WiFi & USB charging
Bring bikes on board
High-frequency service
Pay before you board with SmarTrip
Real-time arrival estimates!
Catch us at the #MoCoThanksParade
on Saturday in #SilverSpringMD.
#ridetheflash #BRT #maryland #weekend #montgomerycountymd #transitTooter
Flash Friday
FLASH #BusRapidTransit is already running on US29/Colesville Rd. and we're just getting started! Next up Veirs Mill, then MD 355 & North Bethesda. We're bringing safer, more reliable ways to travel and connecting corridors across the County!
#montgomerycountymd #transitTooter #transit #BRT #FutureTransportation
Building lower cost #BRT (bus rapid transit) systems in NYC & elsewhere isn't rocket science. It just takes the political will to dedicate the street space to the higher use of moving large numbers of commuters on transit rather than in private cars #GlorietadelosInsurgentes #CDMX