I boosted this last night, but I'm doing it again because it was so interesting (albeit long): https://fosstodon.org/@tcely/110705153826062120
Click through to start the video at 1:13:00 or so (to skip right to the RCV problems).
I'm now a fan of #STAR #voting. The part where Alameda County screwed up their #RCV counts and actually seated the wrong candidate, discovering their fuck up a month later is just.. wow.
@Andres4NY Good to see discussion about this, but it’s just not true that there’s anything inherent in #RankedChoiceVoting that requires a single point of failure or that causes delays in counting votes. Jurisdictions have been holding back second- and third- (etc.) place votes just to make things appear simpler. But there is a limited number of permutations of ballots in any #RCV election, and computers are perfectly capable of recording and reporting on each.